Innovative L.C. always tries to increase the students’ ability in speaking English by conducting an event named English Competition. The latest event was the English Competition 2018.  The students were from the 5 branches of Innovative L.C. : Puri Surya Jaya – Gedangan Sidoarjo, Pondok Tjandra – Waru Sidoarjo, Delta Sari – Waru Sidoarjo, Rungkut – Surabaya and Babatan Pratama Wiyung – Surabaya. English Competition 2018 was held on April 7th 2018 at Royal Plaza Surabaya. There were 3 competitions in English Competition 2018. They were  Spelling Bee Competition, Story Telling, and Trivia Quiz. Spelling Bee Competition was for the 1st and 2nd graders of Elementary School. Story Telling was for the 3rd graders till the 6th graders of Elementary School (1st category) and for the Junior till Senior High School students (2nd category). Some students told either narrative stories or descriptive stories. There was also a Trivia Quiz for the Junior and Senior High School Students. The questions was about vocabularies, spelling, grammar till the general knowledge about Indonesia and all over the world. Here are some photos from English Competition 2018.