Best English Lessons in Surabaya: Master Fluency

Experience the best English lessons in Surabaya at Innovative Learning Center, where mastering fluency is made enjoyable and effective.

Why Choose Innovative Learning Center?

Trusted Reputation

Discover why Innovative Learning Center is renowned as the premier destination for English language education in Surabaya.

Experienced Instructors

Meet our team of experienced instructors dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to help you achieve fluency.

Comprehensive Curriculum

Tailored Courses

Explore our comprehensive curriculum designed to meet the needs of learners of all ages and skill levels.

Interactive Learning

Engage in interactive learning experiences that make mastering English both fun and rewarding.

Benefits of Learning English

Unlocking Opportunities

Discover how fluency in English opens doors to a world of academic, professional, and personal opportunities.

Enhancing Communication Skills

Learn how mastering English enhances your ability to communicate effectively in today’s globalized world.

Best English lessons in Surabaya

Courses Offered

English for Children

Nurture your child’s language skills with our engaging and age-appropriate English courses.

English for Teens

Prepare for academic success and future career opportunities with our specialized courses for teens.

English for Adults

Advance your career and expand your horizons with our tailored English courses for adults.


Flexibility and Convenience

Online Learning

Explore the convenience of online learning options that fit seamlessly into your busy schedule.

Offline Classes

Join us at our state-of-the-art facilities in Surabaya for immersive offline learning experiences.


Embark on your journey to mastering fluency with the best English lessons in Surabaya at Innovative Learning Center. Our experienced instructors, comprehensive curriculum, and flexible learning options make us the top choice for language education in the region.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. How do I enroll in English lessons at Innovative Learning Center?
    • Enrolling is easy! Simply visit our website or contact our admissions office for assistance.
  2. What age groups do you cater to?
    • We offer courses for learners of all ages, from young children to adults.
  3. Are online classes as effective as offline ones?
    • Yes, our online classes are designed to provide the same high-quality education and personalized attention as our offline classes.


  • Surabaya:
    • Raya Rungkut Harapan A25
    • Jl. Raya Babatan Pratama No.25 Blok A
    • Raya Woodland blok 6 Citraland.
  • Sidoarjo:
    • Delta Sari Ruko Delta Fortuna 12 A
    • Raya Taman Tiara no 40
    • Ruko Palm Square TF 60 Pondok Tjandra
    • Puri Surya Jaya H3/3


Facebook : Innovative L.C.
Instagram : innovativelc
Twitter : innovativeLC

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